Stalker Cop Found Guilty in Cannibal Case When does a virtual crime, contemplated in Internet chat rooms, become an actual crime?
"...prosecutors argued that the officer took actual steps to further his plot, like conducting surveillance of potential victims." Sound familiar? It should. This entire blog is based on one man's actual steps he took to "further his plot". Don Stovner took great pains to position himself within my life "like conducting surveillance" of my work place schedule and home routines. Just like Gilberto Valle, Don Stovner reached back in time nearly 20 years, to stalk a woman. The difference is that the police got to Gilberto, because the people around his victim immediately took action. Now aren't you Gentlemen glad I have chosen to dismantle your careers, marriages, and families, and didn't go running to the police? Oh... you didn't know.... here: April 16, 2013 New Arrests ...