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Showing posts with the label Internet

Keep in Mind

The Obvious Haxor

Oh Little Haxor Boi, your fly is open. I post to LinkedIn and you re-direct to UPS. I link to youtube and you issue a DDOS. Very nice. Just to be crystal clear - this blog isn't coming down until Don Stovner, Steve Daggett and Carole Stovner Krieg are criminally prosecuted. The petty little fines handed down by the Civil Court are no longer acceptable. The time for peaceful negotiation has long past and I'm not interested in some insulting pay off. Oh, but the prospect of having this much power while The Men With the Hairless Dogs and the Keystone Kops drag their feet on "forensics" is completely intoxicating. Which sites shall we take down next? Tell you what, I'll think about it over the weekend. We shall rejoin The Game when my creative imagination selects some interesting domains.  I warn you, it is entirely possible that I come up with some challenges that your skills just can't match.  I mean, come on Honey, we have had a 12-36 hour gap since Ma...

For the Little Haxor Boi

You think you can come around here
 All up in my face
 All up in my world You better know you better know you better know
 I´m at your door I´m at your door I´m at your door
 You gotta right you gotta right to know
 Me and my Teenage Hustling
 I´ve been workin´it
 since I´z fourteen
 Me and my Teenage Hustling
 It´s gonna save me
 save me save me save me save me save me
 From your dirty dealings
 I’m a Dirty Girl 
I’m such a Dirty Girl Maybe the riddle of this accident 
goes back to your gossip
 With a ferocious strategy
 you play wounded in his cockpit
 But I think that you forgot my days 
of Teenage Hustling Me and my Teenage Hustling
 I´ve been workin´ it
 since I´z fourteen
 But you´ve been skankin´ around
 with your talentless trash
 You only shoot blanks
at your cocksure best
 Me and my Teenage Hustling
 It´s gonna save me
 save me save me save me save me save me
 From your dirty dealings
 Now i don´t mind a Dirty Girl

Legal Doxing

"... you don't need to be a government spy to dig up personal details on the average American. " "The holy trinity is your full name, your date of birth and your Social Security number; the only thing missing here is your Social," he says. "And for thirty-five bucks, I would probably be able to get that from a public data source."

The Decisions of Privacy

Privacy is either Dead or it is something of Value, to be traded.  I decide what and when and where to Publish my Personal Information. You don't get to say Privacy is Dead and then use it to trade for access to the Social Network. If Privacy is Dead , explain the Cannibal Cop Conviction in New York. They convicted him for violating a Federal Database - he illegally accessed data that was only available to Federal Government Employees with a certain access level.  They convicted him for *thinking about* Stalking and Killing a Woman. The expectation of Privacy we have is that the information stored in a Federal Database remains in the Federal Database and doesn't go leaking all over the world.  Privacy is an Illusion now more than ever. But certain Data should always remain secure and held Private when it is stored in a Federal Database. I have lived my life in the open on the Internet since 1994. I got my first Civilian Email address, on Yahoo, in 1995. I was part o...

Not the Only One

Oh you thought I was Don Stovner’s only victim? You mean none of you know what he did to that Corporate IT Director in San Francisco? Last Summer, 2012? You didn't know he broke into the Enterprise Email and published the guy's correspondence? But…. You are such good friends! You've stood up for him! You gave him great references! How did you not know about this? Update: Stalker Boy is admitting to the hack, wonder if he will admit to the Stalking. Hmm, do you Executive C-Suite Boys have something to worry about other than me? " at the time I was suppose to see if I could get in to all the system to find security issues and plug the holes which I did " I guess the new approach to Network Data Security is to publish your findings so everyone can read the personal & intimate emails of the Corporate Leadership. Hey, didn't one of you Corporate Types give Stalker Boy access to your Corporate Network in Las Vegas?

Stalking: Convicted for a Fantasy

Stalker Cop Found Guilty in Cannibal Case When does a virtual crime, contemplated in Internet chat rooms, become an actual crime? 
"...prosecutors argued that the officer took actual steps to further his plot, like conducting surveillance of potential victims." Sound familiar? It should. This entire blog is based on one man's actual steps he took to "further his plot". Don Stovner took great pains to position himself within my life "like conducting surveillance" of my work place schedule and home routines. Just like Gilberto Valle, Don Stovner reached back in time nearly 20 years, to stalk a woman. The difference is that the police got to Gilberto, because the people around his victim immediately took action.   Now aren't you Gentlemen glad I have chosen to dismantle your careers,  marriages, and families, and didn't go running to the police? Oh... you didn't know.... here: April 16, 2013  New Arrests ...

DOXing as Warfare

I never considered what I am doing to Don Stovner “DOXing”.  In my mind, it is simply playing the game he started, by following the Rules as he changes them.  You know, Goose & Gander .  He went out of his way to track down intimately personal information about me, dating back to the Pre-Internet Age and claimed that it was “technically legal” because he used Publically Available Information.  Well…. I’m just making this information public.  Just like he did. "DOXing", is  hacker slang for publishing someone's personal information in order to intimidate or punish them. DOXing is a technique of tracing someone or gather information about an individual using sources on the internet. Its name is derived from “Documents” or “Docx”. DOXing method is based purely on the ability of the hacker to recognize valuable information about his target and use this information to his benefit. It is also based around the idea that, “ The more you know abou...