Oh Little Haxor Boi, your fly is open.
I post to LinkedIn and you re-direct to UPS.
I link to youtube and you issue a DDOS.
Very nice.
Just to be crystal clear - this blog isn't coming down until Don Stovner, Steve Daggett and Carole Stovner Krieg are criminally prosecuted. The petty little fines handed down by the Civil Court are no longer acceptable. The time for peaceful negotiation has long past and I'm not interested in some insulting pay off.
Oh, but the prospect of having this much power while The Men With the Hairless Dogs and the Keystone Kops drag their feet on "forensics" is completely intoxicating. Which sites shall we take down next?
Tell you what, I'll think about it over the weekend. We shall rejoin The Game when my creative imagination selects some interesting domains. I warn you, it is entirely possible that I come up with some challenges that your skills just can't match. I mean, come on Honey, we have had a 12-36 hour gap since May, so you can't be that great. All I got is a Browser & a Brain against your Haxor Tools.
In the meantime, don't be such a Putz, discretion is your Friend.
I post to LinkedIn and you re-direct to UPS.
I link to youtube and you issue a DDOS.
Very nice.
Just to be crystal clear - this blog isn't coming down until Don Stovner, Steve Daggett and Carole Stovner Krieg are criminally prosecuted. The petty little fines handed down by the Civil Court are no longer acceptable. The time for peaceful negotiation has long past and I'm not interested in some insulting pay off.
Oh, but the prospect of having this much power while The Men With the Hairless Dogs and the Keystone Kops drag their feet on "forensics" is completely intoxicating. Which sites shall we take down next?
Tell you what, I'll think about it over the weekend. We shall rejoin The Game when my creative imagination selects some interesting domains. I warn you, it is entirely possible that I come up with some challenges that your skills just can't match. I mean, come on Honey, we have had a 12-36 hour gap since May, so you can't be that great. All I got is a Browser & a Brain against your Haxor Tools.
It's 3am on the Flight Line and all I got is a torque wrench
In the meantime, don't be such a Putz, discretion is your Friend.
Victory is an elusive Whore
She is as easily mine as she is yours
Code Red you're staring at me
~Tori Amos, Code Red~