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Showing posts from July 20, 2013

My Last Trick - 2011

I was tricked in 2011. I was so distracted by the hacking and stalking and the retrieving my belongings, I missed the signs. I needed to work and I needed money. So I took a contract that I swore I would never do, ever. So, at this point I have reached out, I have left a trail of data, and I have set up my little triangle. I have - so far - avoided another situation like the one in 2011. Suffice it to say, I discovered the moves I was making pushed me in that direction, but at every opportunity for validation, absolutely nothing happened. I mean..... nothing. By Summer 2011, I realized no one, absolutely no one who mattered knew about The Trick in 2011 when, during an interview, the interviewer said, "...  we can't have a melt down on a remote." Now, I have told one person the truth about what happened on that Remote. We are going to find out this week if February 2011 was ever taken seriously.  Because what I signed up for, and what I found myself in were two compl...