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Showing posts from October 10, 2011

The Progression of Lies

This is the Don Stovner I met at the Wynn in June 2008 and then worked with from June 2009 through January 2010.  This is the man who, after my troubles with the Applications Analyst on the Food & Beverage Team at the Wynn, caused me the most problems with Network Engineering Projects. The photo at the left was taken in mid July 2009, while we both worked for Clearwire in Las Vegas, at a weekday lunch break from our projects.  Don made an effort to reconcile the events at the Wynn and to amend our professional relationship.  We did not work in the same departments or for the same management.  We had no reason to interact while at work other than to go to lunch. It should be noted, that had the Wynn IT shop been more professional, had they employed proper management of their staff, the affair between Don & I would have started in 2008 when he went to the Wynn, during the period he sent his wife to Russia the late Summer and Early Fall of 2008.  Howe...