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Sex, Lies & Surveillance

I am not backing down. In fact this Holiday Season I am taking actions to ensure everyone understands just how stubbornly I am digging in. You will prosecute my Stalker, you will bring him up on charges related to the unauthorized access of Classified Military Documents.

And if you push me hard enough, ignore me long enough, I will start hitting my targets on my way to tracking down 1 in 125 Analysts who shared my Personally Identifiable Information with Don Stovner. I will make such a mess of things, you will pray for a Judge to intervene.

Right now, there isn't a Judge, Attorney, Statesman or Military man who will touch this case. Between the Slut Shaming the Sex-capades, the implied Pedophilia and of course the Military Sexual Assault, any man with half a brain is distancing himself from this case.

Let's see, we've cycled through local Law Enforcement, the Sheriff of at least 3 Counties in 2 States. We've burned through the FBI, the CIA and the US Air Force OSI (or is it another name these days - like I care). There aren't many agencies left are there?  Which means the levels of protection these 125 Analysts have enjoyed for the past 10 years are drying up.

Just wait until I get my hands on the wives and children of these Scum Bags. Unlike Edward Snowden, I am not leaving the United States and I will be revealing Classified information via this blog. Information that has stayed secret, dormant and completely forgotten for over 25 years… Until Don Stovner dug up Jailbait.

I have every intention of destroying the lives of these low-level drones who share personal information and think it's such a great game.

I’m sure you remember this little scandal from 2008:

US Soldier's 'Phone Sex' Intercepted, Shared

Faulk says he and others in his section of the NSA facility at Fort Gordon routinely shared salacious or tantalizing phone calls that had been intercepted, alerting office mates to certain time codes of "cuts" that were available on each operator's computer.

"Hey, check this out," Faulk says he would be told, "there's good phone sex or there's some pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out. It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy'," Faulk told ABC News.

It was a brief moment in Mainstream Media, quickly swept under the rug and forgotten about until that coward Snowden made a stink recently.  However, the news broke in October 2008 – just 8 months before I went to work at Clearwire in Las Vegas. Just 8 months before Stovner began his Flight Line "Train"-ing. 

 There are only 125 Analysts working for the NSA that could have helped Don Stovner and provide him with the data he has on me and my life.

125. That’s a very small number.
I bet some are Fathers. Maybe some of them have daughters.
Maybe one or two are women… with children.

Oh the lives I am going to fuck up. One of the 125 Analysts who traced my phone calls, tracked my online activity, and monitored my emails made a stupid mistake and it will cost them everything – and I do mean everything.

You can kiss those college dreams you have for your kid goodbye. 
Forget the easy breezy days of Tween-hood because your kid will despise you when I am done with you. Just ask Don Stovner.  
You will forever be a failure and a traitor to your kid when I drag this crap out onto the internet for their classmates to read.

And if you are single? Oh my, will I have my day with you.

Unless one of the 125 Analysts does the right thing and makes sure Don Stovner is prosecuted for Stalking me across 3 States over 10 years.

Isn't it horrible having the Public know your secrets?  Aren't you mad?  Don't you just want to "show me"?  Well, now you know what it feels like. Now you get to experience the "outing" Don Stovner gave to me. The violation of my Privacy, access to information held in a Government Database specific to me, and even going so far as to get up close and personal just to play a Flight Line Prank.

I am making very sure all you Law Enforcement & Military Boys understand what is really at stake here. I will dismantle your lives and tie you directly to the salacious Slut Shaming that is at the center of this Stalking case. You will forever be the Pornographic Policemen, always known as "that creepy cop who watches dirty videos". What will your wives think? What will your children think?

There is a Military Commander about to be incredibly embarrassed by my blog.  He is going to come unglued and go after a whole bunch of lower ranking personnel.  Consider him Target #1 during my Holiday Harassment. But when the dust settles, he will be and will remain the Commander Obsessed with Sex.  I almost want this Commanding Officer to come after me - I mean really? An Air Force Commander coming after Jailbait? That would be a tale for the Media wouldn't it?

An idiot NSA Analyst makes a stupid mistake and shares my naked photos with Don Stovner who then proceeds to use the information to continue to Stalk me for 10 years.
But wait! he also sends a message to the idiot NSA Analyst via the US Air Force Surveillance System - he makes sure the message is live and in real time.  Brilliant right?
Oh Mr. Commander please come for me - I would love to reduce your wife and children to a heap of humiliated emotion.  To watch you navigate through the Dirty Sex-capades, tip going your sparkling pristine career through the Slut Shaming, watch you rationalize and explain away the Military Sexual Assault and Rape. 

Unless of course, you prosecute Don Stovner, in which case he could very well be known as the Civilized Gentleman. Once you start that process and Stovner is in prison, the blog comes down forever.

Here, I’ll give you a hint at who this Military Commander is:

Don Stovner knows exactly where this location is because he took me there.  In fact, had he not taken me to this location I would never have known it was there.  I mean, I knew in a very general sense where this location is, but to be right on top of the Fences, under the Surveillance Cameras…. I was totally stunned that the Security Police did not come after us.  In fact, even now, I am still surprised that we hit 3 or 4 places along the fence line, directly under the cameras, and NOTHING HAPPENED.

Of course nothing happened.  He took me to the fence line under the cameras because he “had to send a message to someone”.  A message to who? And why oh why did he check the time at every stop under the Surveillance Cameras?

I do know why. I knew then and I know now.  Thanks to Edward Snowden I got all the proof I need.  Prosecute Don Stovner for Stalking me across 3 states and 10 years, and I won’t make my next blog about the Military Commander.  I won't humiliate another man.

Continue to ignore me and I will keep on destroying the lives of men in law enforcement and military positions.  I will make contact with LulzSec and Anonymous, and I will give them my Target Names.  This is not a threat against the United States. This is a threat against specific men with specific history.  I will destroy marriages, I will destroy families.

I promise, if you refuse to prosecute Don Stovner, I will make this as dirty and ugly and humiliating as the US Air Force Flight Line trained me to do.  You can only hit a Dawg so many times before the Bitch Bites Back.

Do you see what I mean when I say there is no negotiating?  The longer you drag this out and refuse to prosecute Don Stovner for stalking me, the higher the body count gets, I mean reputation count.  

I’m going to take your lives, but not in the way you Law Enforcement types like to believe. No, I will take your lives the way the US Air Force Trained me.  I will take the incredible collective genius of LulzSec and Anonymous, feed them the history of my targets,  and what do you think will happen?

I am going to take your wives, your children, your cars, your houses, your pensions and most importantly your retirement accounts.  

At some point, you just need to take the advice I was repeatedly given on the Flight Line during “Train”-ing: 
just bend over, take a deep breath and give me what I want. 

Oh yea, you didn’t think I’d go there. But I will unless you prosecute Don Stovner. 

There are a whole bunch of Military Sexual Assault cases being tried right now.  Who knows what I could fill this blog with over the next few weeks. How much credibility could I erase from the Defending Officers?

And what about those Flight Line Boys who "Train"-ed me oh so well?  Where do you think those Crew Chiefs are now? Do they have wives? Careers? Kids? Retirement accounts? What would a Salacious Sex Scandal do to their lives now?

Screw the Courts, my battle ground will be Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, all the places your Kids frequent.

 The blog will come down when you give me what I want.  The Prosecution of Don Stovner for Stalking me over 3 States and 10 years.

Prosecute him and I will go away. Keep stalling and I take each one of you out, one by one. You will never be trusted, you will always be “That Guy Who”.

Because Baby, 
         Jail Bait is Comin’ For You.


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