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Showing posts with the label MGM Resorts International

Last Chance for Redemption

The next part of this story will take you Boys to a place you never expected.  But you do have the ability to stop all of this. You let Don Stovner into my work place.  Steve Koenig & Ted Whiting, you put me on a Conference Call that I should not have been on in order to put me in direct contact with my stalker, in my work place - somewhere I was supposed to be safe. You made those choices all in the name of a Prank. Now, you can fix it. Simply provide a witness, that’s all. A living breathing human being who can validate everything Don Stovner has claimed: Someone who can validate he knew my Grandparents Someone who can validate he was in Van Nuys during the 94 Earthquake – this is important, and the part of the story you Casino Operators don’t want to go. Someone who can validate that he worked in the Port of Los Angeles in 2004/2005 You Boys pull that all together and this blog comes down forever. And just to be clear, I have to KNOW about this "witness&

Lawyer Suspended over Harassment of Ex-Colleague

Yet another Man penalized for Stalking and Harassing a Woman. But the damage is already done. The lies he spread about her affected her Professional career The woman's lawsuit claims at least one attorney at Bose believed she should be fired based on the content of the bogus email. Other attorneys who received the email, the lawsuit says, still believe she appeared topless in the video clip and acted in pornographic movies. Lawyer suspended over harassment of ex-colleague

Another Stalker on Trial in New York

Surprise Surprise NYPD detective hacked into computers to get fellow officers’ email, cell phone info And Oh Look: He paid at least $4,000 to an independent company in exchange for the passwords to at least 43 personal email accounts belonging to as many as 30 people, according to the criminal complaint filed in Southern District Court.

Social Engineering

  How do I know Don Stovner Socially Engineered you? Because in the Summer of 2007, the Ted Whiting, the Director of Surveillance for The Mirage and the Business Sponsor for the CityCenter Build (the MGM Mirage properties) asked me if I had ever been to Cozumel Mexico. I wondered at the time why a Director of the Company would be so interested in a Vacation I took nearly 16 years before I was an employee at MGM Mirage. I did not correct the Ted or clarify my reply, I simply said yes, I had been there. Within a few weeks of that conversation with the Director, I spotted a Doppelmayr van following me home from work. I never saw City Center related vehicles out on Boulder Highway.  After changing out of my work clothes and heading off to the Dog Park, I spotted him again, this time right behind me in the left hand turn lane. I looked in my rearview mirror and when the light changed I waved to him in the mirror. As we turned the corner, he sped past me and away he we